by Ila Casselman.
I think it is safe to say, that one single method of healthcare doesn't always work exactly the same for each person. What works for you may not work for me and vice-versa. As an Osteopathic Practitioner it is sometimes difficult to refer patients to other practitioners, because they may not do the kind of treatment I was expecting them to do or the patient may not have experienced positive results from the treatment; this can end up reflecting poorly on me as the referring practitioner. Or maybe the practitioner I know is fantastic, practices over the bridge, and it's just not convenient for you to get there. At Back2Health, there is no need to worry about that. Not only will your extended health benefits have you covered for Chiropractic Care, Osteopathy and Acupuncture, but our skilled practitioners will also have your condition covered. Our Chiropractors, Osteopath and Acupuncturist work together to make sure you are getting the most out of your treatments. With your permission, we share notes so that your experience is positive and you achieve your health goals. On top of Chiropractic Care, Osteopathy and Acupuncture, Back2Health offers Class IV Laser Therapy, Neurobiofeedback and soon to come a relaxation room where you can regroup after your treatments. Here are 10 reasons why you should combine Osteopathy and Acupuncture with your Chiropractic Care. 1. At B2H we believe in holistic healthcare. Holistic healthcare means looking at all of the systems in the body and not just focusing on one. You would use Chiropractic Care for the spine and the nervous system; Osteopathy of the muscles, joints, tendons and connective tissue; Acupuncture for digestive, reproductive, respiratory, circulatory, hormonal systems and overall general health. 2. Combining Osteopathy, Chiropractic Care and Acupuncture means you're getting the most out of your extended healthcare benefits. 3. It is extremely convenient having all your needs met under one roof. 4. Having a collaborative healthcare team means that it is much less likely that something important gets overlooked. 5. We all trust each others' abilities in our selected professions. 6. You are more likely to receive the results you are looking for. 7. You can have all your treatments consecutively (same day) or spaced out over the week. 8. The layering effect will allow you to experience a faster recovery rate. 9. A faster recovery rate means your healthcare needs will cost you less overall. 10. You will experience an increase in energy and motivation. Win-win-win! |
B2H Practitioners:
Dr. Christian Guenette - chiropractor Archives
February 2023
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